
   Name: Kai

   Male, 21 and ummm... Double? =X
   1 Feb 1988
   Pei Chun Public School class of 6A 2000
   Raffles Institution class of 4R 2004
   Raffles Junior College class of 2S03F 2006
   BMT 0107 Hawk Coy
   SISPEC Hotel Coy
   0107 AISL

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More About my Favs ♥

Singers: Twins, S.H.E, Jolin, Aya Hirano

Actors: Jacky Wu, Stephen Chow, Michelle Ye Xuan, Leila Tang Ning

Anime Characters: Saber, Suzumiya Haruhi, Asahina Suzuka, Konata Izumi, Naru Narusegawa

Hobbies: Dota/CS, Ping Pong, Tennis, Ice Skating, Pool, Singing(kbox), Dancing(ddr/para para), Learn Jap, Anime/Manga, HK Serials, TW Varieties, Photoshop


Ok the links are highly outdated.... people please update me :)

Addictedtou | Charmaine | Chorkiee | Etrio | Guardian | Han Yang | Jingzhou | Jinyue | Jon Foo | Li Hui | Liang Ze Shifu | Louis | Manda | Matilda | Minghan | Pehpeh | Peiyu | Regine | RI4C2005 | Sheena | Tze Kwan | Zhao Han |


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Graphics Design: Myself :)
Code (partial): Andiee

Friday, March 31, 2006
@ 11:10 PM

yay. got over my chem =) now waiting for the rest of the ct subjects to be returned b4 i sink into depression again.

phew... just completed metal slug 4 using 62 credits -.- if i go to the arcade that means i'll spend abt 31 dollars on tokens... gosh.

迷语 Part 2:

阴毛拖地(打一成语)答案 凤毛麟角(临脚)
妓女站门口(打一动物学名词) 答案 候鸟
女战士小便(打一饮料)答案 冰冻汽水(兵洞弃水)
逛妓院扑空(打一成语) 答案 无动(洞)于衷(中)
脱衣好迎客(成语一)答案 宽以待人
老和尚念书(猜一生理现象)答案 月(阅)经
男人和女人的差别? (打一成语)答案 比上不足,比下有余
裤裆里点灯(歇后语)答案 英明
两个男人光屁股坐在石头上。(成语一) 答案 一石二鸟
一个男人光屁股坐在石头上。(成语一)答案 以卵击石
男人坐在电线上(动物一)答案 麻雀
女生宿舍上大水(二字新词)答案 泡妞
妓院客满(打一成语)答案 无孔不入
女人跳绳(打一成语)答案 一波未平一波又起
口交(猜一字) 答案 咬
白雪公主換衣服(猜一飲料品牌名) 答案 7-up
小玉的媽媽罵小玉的爸爸性無能(猜一成語)答案 欲罢(玉爸)不能

Wednesday, March 29, 2006
@ 1:21 PM

Fwheeeeeeee! Hear the song on right now? its called 庆祝!!!! lets celebrate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fufufufufufu!!!! i feel like the king of the world right now!!!! can't get more high than this!!! this is such a great feeling!!! probably a 100 times better than drugs!! what a record breaking fantastic chem result i got! ohhhhhhh chemistry chemistry i loveee you so much!!! total ownage!! Fwahahahahaha!! i rockkk!! i rulee!!! im da best!!!

Today is simply an amazing day!! fuck the world mann!!!!!!!!!!!! Fwahahahahahaahahaha!!!!

Tuesday, March 28, 2006
@ 6:35 PM

eh omg wtf. juz looked at the chem answers... i failed my mcq! and looking at the structured qns.... omg. my estimated score is... 20+/80? OMG.

a Fking F.

gg to me..

who wants to guess 谜语? lolz

Part 1: have fun!

男人小便(打一通讯工具) 答案 手提机

乳罩(打一社会现象) 答案 包二奶

妓女罢工(历史用语) 答案 抗日

裸女登雪山(打一成语) 答案 逼上梁山

女人内裤(打一食品) 答案 果冻

妇科检查(打一成语)答案 一孔之见

清点妓女人数(打一物品)答案 计算机

大姑娘穿铁裤衩(打一汽车品牌)答案 蓝鸟

女人做爱的收获(打一成语)答案 去粗取精

男童遇裸少女无反应(打一成语) 答案 不识抬举

口交(打一成语) 答案 吞吞吐吐

男人累死在女人身上(打一成语) 答案 不能自拔

女人生小孩(打一成语)答案 血口喷人

妓院开张(打一报社常用语)答案 欢迎来稿

小孩的鸡鸡(打一成语) 答案 来日方长

石女(打一成语) 答案 一窍不通

太监开会(打一成语) 答案 无稽之谈

婚前检查(打一位神话人物 ) 答案 观音

处女膜已破(打一物理名词)答案 失真

男人没有,女人有(打一物理名词)答案 波动

脱衣舞场上的焦点(打国外一品牌) 答案 波音

服用伟哥之后(打一成语) 答案 日久天(添)长

强奸幼女(打一成语)答案 操之过急

黄泉之路(打一人体部位) 答案 阴道

Monday, March 27, 2006
@ 10:51 PM

Whee... specially to piss chork off =D


歌手:杨丞琳 专辑:遇上爱





Sunday, March 26, 2006
@ 6:15 PM

yooohooo!!! made new template for my blog!! wheeee............

spent the whole weekend doing this... so tired now..

this design is inspired by gillian and xiaotianshi, which explains the wings on gillian =) and i decided to make it chinese-style with my 鸿 on the left =D

who says guys can't have pink blogs? =P

comment comment!

Thursday, March 23, 2006
@ 11:59 PM

wheee... screwed up my common tests!! gp bio maths physics, and today's chem was the WORST. chem is sure fail oreadi, couldnt rmb any reactions in the end. sian!

haha but heck at least its all over! yayy!!! went to play pool today!! with zw ws sw rags and shifu!!!!!! quite on form today =D and i broke my record!!! 7 balls! yay!!!!

then tmr going LANing in the morning(omg, dota?! so embarrassing i dunno how to play) and kboxing in the afternoon!! whoohoo... lol

i feel like changing my blog template again =\ need ideas!!!! shall start working on one this weekend.

1 wk nv update, dunno what to write oso. whatever lah!!!

im starting to develop some kind of fetish for sexy legs??? discovered that when talking to jon teo... hoho

i actually fell in love with an english song!! omg. "My Humps" by black eyed peas lol! meaningless but super addictive. and lustyyy!! yeaaa.. =P i should really try listening to english songs sometimes... hahaz

ahhaha!! and here's evidence of A CERTAIN PERSON from our class doing naughty naughty things!!!!!! heehee. Caught in action!

Wednesday, March 15, 2006
@ 11:44 PM

today moii ish feelings very happiies!!!!

whoaa, ive been blogging so much abt 小天使 recently!!!
yepps, so i shall continue the trend LOL

cos today i went ice skating and saw 小天使 in her pink tshirt with wings design again!!! she must be a real 天使 after all! seeing her at the ice skating rink is definitely not Chance Chance 而已...

小天使 was practicing her double loop... lost her footing several times and fell *ouch i 心痛*
BUT she didnt complain!! she wasnt put down by her failures!! she got up so quickly and continued training, with a smile on her face!!! how can she still smile after falling?? simply cannot figure it out... but im overwhelmed with respect for her positive attitude... it has motivated me to study for my common tests...

then again, besides this reason im oso feeling so happy cos i got to meet up with siewmai today! (lol not the 3 for $1.20 kind at the jurong east pasir malam)... wah, felt very gan4 dong4 after reading the note and receiving the bear T.T

if not for the above reasons, i'd probably have been totally pissed with zhiwei for being a freaking 3 hrs late. hmph.

wow, chork and i just had a very interesting and creative msn conversation..

dun expect an update until after common test (unless something really extraordinary happens), yuppp so py dun 催 me to blog anymore k haha... can continue to listen to cyndi's shou biao if u're so boredd =P..

to yyy: juz read ur blog, there IS such a cca in rjc started last yr, its juz not very well known... gather and sing pop songs one... can't rmb what its called tho, "歌smthing" (dun gimme that -.-!!! look haha)

oso, i need to train tennis after common tests. someone play with me?

Saturday, March 11, 2006
@ 11:04 PM

ahhaha. 小天使 obsession!

heeeheee... didnt regret going to jurong east (even tho i went alone) to watch the 5th Singapore National Figure Skating Championships to support 小天使!!! wahahahaaa

with 小天使 around, how to be lonely?

omgg..... actually i didnt noe whether 小天使 was competing... but juz go in case there's that small bit of chance... ahha and 皇天不负有心人 indeed!!! when i spotted her my eyes lit up immediately! cos.... this is the first time she's in a proper ice skating dress!!! not her usual track pants!! she looked utterly enchanting and mersmerizing in that purple and black dress mannnn....

Alexandria <3!!!!! what an absolutely LOVELY and GRAND name!!! sounds like some queen.... how befitting of my 小天使! and what an exhilarating performance it was! simply brilliant!!! and at such a high skill level!!! sure get champion without a doubt... too bad tmr gtg nus open house cannot attend her prize presentation =(

dammit, why didnt i bring a good camera today?? only could take photos with my lousy pda..

(小)天使… 我爱你! speaking of that, i've been wanting to write a love letter since that day weishern wrote his for ahemahem. shall attempt one now...


有句话我已藏在心里很久了, 一直都不敢说出口.. 直到今天看了你的溜冰表演后, 我才发觉, 要是我不对你说出我的心里话, 我将会后悔一辈子…

不知您有没有听过俊扬在 <<天使… 我爱你>> 里所唱的主题曲中的歌词...
"如果天空只剩最后一颗闪烁的星,我会让它为你照亮孤寂 ,让幸福为你指引..."
没错, 小天使, 我对您的爱的确这么深, 这么刻骨铭心... 就像...


拉了屎过后, 您是否会觉得特别地舒服?

我对您的爱就像那浓浓的屎, 足够渗透一切阻碍, 就算海枯"屎"烂, 也至"屎"不渝! 我对您的屎心踏地, 您感受得到吗?

我并不能欲"厕所"有将来的困难, 但我能发誓, 不论您的生活里起什么"大便", 我都会陪伴着您, 在您身前阻挡风雨, 在你身旁为您守候, 在您身后默默地支持你!

我多么渴望能像拉屎一样, 天天都拉住您那双温暖的小手, 渡过这漫长的生活.. 我保证,只要你肯接受我, 我将会发"粪"图强, 让您感受"屎"无前例的体验! 我会"屎"您感到幸福的! 即"屎"您对我一点好感也没有, 我也一定对尊重您的选择, 绝不会"屎"缠烂打!


lol. that was really shit. anyone bothered to finish reading it?

Tuesday, March 07, 2006
@ 5:26 PM


about Felicia ChiN!! lol, juz heard from my mum de. Felicia chin can actually be considered my distant relative???!! look:

felicia chin = my 大姨丈's relative's daughter!!!! whoa. see the link is so short!!! have yet to find out what "relative" of my 大姨丈 is felicia's mum. but tis is sooo cool!!!!!! omgomg. simply too cool until cannot.

woohoo. Felicia Chin! 美人鱼!! <3

Sunday, March 05, 2006
@ 11:37 PM

haha. such a crazy sunday. but really enjoyed it. thanks to tzekwan and cherie. made me forget my sianness with all that singing. ahhahaha. so many s.h.e songs today!

"wobuxiang, wobuxiang, buxiang zhangda! zhangdahou, shijiejiu, meitonghua!" tralalalaa. so fun. Hebe so cuteeeeee!

haha. then orchard cine kbox damn kind! session supposed end at 5.30pm but we can drag drag drag until like 8pm (could have dragged longer if not for the photoshoot =X) thats like extra 2.5 hrs at no cost!!!

Yepps, so i was in a much better mood when i went for the photoshoot then i would have been.. acted abit crazy. but i like so heck. hehh. anw i thought jade's dress was very nice. yea... haha. but the photos didnt turn out very well... juz saw them. either very blur or the lighting very bad. had much more fun taking the grp photos rather than the class photos.

anw tmr its back to the sian school... ahhz well.. gd nitez everyone!

Thursday, March 02, 2006
@ 6:17 PM

whee. went skating yesterday came home too tired to blog haha.

saw snow white again! wearing a pink shirt with WINGS design on the back. Hence i've decided that 小天使 is the more suitable name for her. hahaha so cutee!!!!

Look! 小天使 in action (Feb 22):

Picture credits go to Jon Teo =D (altho sadly its very blurrr)

hahaha. sho sianzzz. look at my new twins themed bedroom =P havent decided where to place the latest 2 which i got..

Tralalala! i rock! and anyway im not an entertainer hor... i dun go around entertaining pple. im going to be really antisocial. pple want can come talk to me i won't bother going around talking to pple anymore.. can't even be bothered to sign into msn. waste of energy and so sian. and i hate giving presentations on stuff which i dunno about (gp still sux btw).

Other than that, i still rock. Twins and 小天使 rocks too! =D